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Happy Trails Book 1 - Honest Review

Happy Trails - Book 1

by JC

Released July 8, 2021


Aster fell.

She descended into Milour. Living as a ghost, she fought through the streets to find her truth - and her brother.

She felt a presence following her - hunting her: The Phantom. She ran in earnest, fighting to escape this hunt. She finds help in the unlikeliest place - and in the unlikeliest people. Together, they work to discover the mysteries surrounding her arrival and her past. Will the truth be all she wanted? Or is there something more sinister at play?

Happy Trails is a fantastical work of fiction - the reader is met with not just beautiful and inspiring prose, but also eye-catching and original artwork.

I will say that Happy Trails isn't something I've encountered before. It was part novel, part comic - a true feast for my brain. It has such a unique difference from most things I read and it was a pleasure to dive into. The author, JC, reached out to me through Instagram and asked for an honest review, and I was more than happy to provide!

The most interesting aspect of this story is the artwork that JC suffused into the narrative. Her skill as an artist and 2D animator translates well into the book, and it assists the reader in imagining her creations. With her permission, I've featured some of her favourite pieces in this review as a teaser of what is in the book. There are over 30 pieces of digital illustrations scattered throughout the novel that brings a truly unique flavour to Aster's story and the world of Milour.

The story itself is a blend of fantasy, science fiction and mystery, with solid coming-of-age and found-family tropes. With beautiful scenery and captivating characters, the reader is pulled into such a fantastic plot.

After Aster falls (Aster means star in Greek - so she is literally a falling star) she is on her own in Milour - an orphan (of sorts) trying to survive on the streets. She begins being chased by multiple entities: The Phantom and faceless Fragments who seem to pop up everywhere. She is terrified, and understandably so. The way that Aster is presented is so fresh. Her keen urgency to search for her brother and the truth is palpable, and the reader feels the sense of loss and abandonment in her endeavours.

I won't go too much into the plot - I really think new readers need to experience the story and the characters with fresh eyes. JC does an excellent job at presenting each scenario and person that I simply can't do it justice in a summary.

I did enjoy the comedic relief the Fragments provided. This book is filled with witticisms and smart remarks, and I'm here for it! Interactions with this troupe provides levity under the cloud of mystery and fear inspired by the Phantom. Fight scenes are built very well and tensions are presented in such a way that you feel the uncertainty surrounding Aster as to where characters' alliances lie.

As an adoptee, I understood a lot of Aster's abandonment and yearning to find her family and roots. There were moments that warmed my heart as she starts to find places she can be comfortable in this strange and foreign world.

My only point of criticism is that there are moments when the goal of the plot is unknown. Through the twists, turns and layers of the narrative, there are times when I lost a sense of what her direction was and where she was pushing to get to. I know the grand scheme is to reach her brother, but even beyond that I think some clarity would be beneficial - however, I accept that this book is a mystery, so JC has every right to hide pieces of the puzzle to serve the movement of Aster's investigation.

Overall, this was a cleverly written story with amazing additions with the artwork. I am quite excited to see what else comes out of Milour and Aster's story - and I look forward to more discussions with JC as she continues to branch out into the world of authors!


Please help support this author in her debut novel and future endeavours!

Happy Trails is available on Amazon either through Kindle Unlimited or for purchase.

Follow and support JC on Instagram HERE


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