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Genre Acronyms

MG: Middle Grade

NA: New Adult

PNR: Paranormal Romance

SF/F: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

TC: True Crime

YA: Young Adult


Popular Reader Acronym/Terms

ARC: Advanced Reader's Copy

DNF: Did Not Finish

NG: NetGalley

OTP: One True Pairing

POV: Point of View

Ship: Couple

My 5 STAR Rating Guide


Absolutely did not enjoy; probably didn't finish the book (DNF)


It was okay. Areas needed improvement and refinement.


I liked it! Good, but wasn't particularly mindblowing. Might recommend to a friend


I really liked it. Would recommend to people who enjoyed genre.


It was amazing. Everyone needs this book in their life.

Mental Health Support


Books should be an escape - I know for me they are - but there can be some content in books that will be disturbing to certain readers. 


Trigger and Content Warnings are not always provided by authors or publishing houses. For your peace of mind, please utilize the link below as a resource to protect your mental health.



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