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The Audacity of Sara Grayson - NetGalley ARC Review

The Audacity of Sara Grayson

by Joani Elliott

Released May 25, 2021


“I have no doubt your feelings are real, but that doesn't mean they're telling you the truth.”

I picked up this book as a NetGalley ARC, honestly not sure what to expect. Let me tell you how pleasantly surprised I was.

I tried reading it a month earlier to this review but just couldn't sink into the plot - however, I do believe a pertinent aspect of this has to do with life circumstances and not with the truly enjoyable story written by Joani.

I connected with this book on so many levels. I grieved with Sara, as I recently lost a parent. I could feel the same sense of loss and abandonment, with an ounce of blame for the parent that had passed on. I'm also a creative who deals with imposter syndrome regularly - this often stops me from doing what I truly enjoy, since the small voice in my head whispers "you're not enough" on a daily basis. I saw a lot of similarities and reflections of myself and my journey in Sara's trials and frustrations

Joani truly writes with a painter's hand - her words describe and emote at an artistic level that helps submerge you into the plot and setting. I felt the beauty of the Maine coastline, the familiarity of Sara's mother's home and the sense of belonging when surrounded by comforting smells and loving memory.

I felt the plot drove forward well, with anticipation for the next event and surprises that were not predicted. The ending was left to interpretation - a chance for the reader to fill in the blank and an easy segue into a potential sequel.

Sara's experience of writing a debut novel easily mirrors what I imagine to be a very thrilling and terrifying experience - and I believe Joani can speak to this first hand with this amazing read.

Brava for a job well-done on such an inspiring debut novel. I look forward to reading more!


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