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The Masks We Burn - Honest ARC Review

The Masks We Burn

Published October 5, 2021


The only way for me to describe the feeling of freedom is flight. It's the type of lightness in the body, offering an almost aerodynamic sensations, giving off the illusion as if gravity doesn't exist.

TW provided by the author: graphic consensual sex scenes, neglect from a parental figure.

Amora wants nothing more than to be free - to take control of her life and to live on her own terms instead of following her parents' expectations. She faces an ultimatum: find a job, or marry someone selected for her.

To throw her parents off her scent, Amora strikes a deal with long-time enemy Will. The arrangement sets them up to play pretend in order to bide time for Amora to figure out her future, as well as allow Will the access he needs to a private MMA fight club. Can Amora let her armour down enough to let Will in? Or will their arrangement crumble into nothing?

This was the third installment to the Emerald Falls series. I read and reviewed the first two books, The Masks We Wear and The Masks We Break, earlier this year and you can find my thoughts HERE. Though it is identified as a standalone, I enjoyed seeing snippets and updates of the previous characters, as Lee included their own development in this novel. Though you don't need to read the other two first, it does provide some secondary context - not to mention, you get to read more about some pretty amazing characters.

The thing I find about Lee's writing is that she is good at providing relatable characters. She doesn't present a one-size-fits-all approach to her characters, where she neglects physical descriptions to allow readers to step into the character's shoes (I'm looking at you, Stephenie Meyer...) Instead, she presents real people with real issues that readers can relate to on some level.

Amora is constantly faced with the traditional and strict expectations set by her mother, who is a proud Russian immigrant who wholly believes in the wife serving the household in a marriage. Working outside of the home is frowned on, and her mother takes all steps to lay out an ultimate plan for her daughter; however, Amora won't have it. She feels trapped. Restricted. Any thought of stepping out of this perfect image is met with verbal disappointment. I get it - this is exactly how I felt as a teenager and young adult. My parents had such specific hopes for me that it took a LOT of courage to stand up for myself. Like Amora, I built walls up around myself to seem self-sufficient and invincible. I still have yet to break them down.

Will presents as the ultimate protector, which is a good quality to have, unless you're working with an independent spitfire like Amora. His cockiness is an attempt to hide his sensitive side, but he truly is a treasure of a human. He listens attentively, doesn't attempt to dismiss or gaslight Amora and strives to hold himself with utmost respect and integrity.

Another thing about The Masks We Burn is that, though it is an adult romance with a decent amount of sizzling scenes, there is also a strong plot and motivation for the characters to move forward together. Yes, some scenes can leave you panting, but this is secondary to the plot where Amora and Will truly shine.

I honestly really love this series. You can see the progression of the author's writing quality as you work your way through. She introduced me to tropes I've never really read before and made it a really enjoyable experience. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for her readers in her new mafia series featuring Onyx - look for it in January 2022!


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